Land Possession in Trat Bay, Trat Province: Problems and Solutions

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Chayaporn Chaturapornpracit
Sakrit Isariyanon


                    This article aims to review the condition of land conflicts and to propose alternative solutions to land problems in Trat Bay area, Trat Province. This qualitative consisted of three types of data collection methods: 1) the document reviews, 2) the interviews, and 3) the non-participant observations. The results of the study according to objective 1 revealed that the condition of land problems in the Trat Bay area, Trat Province was a long-standing problem due to problems in the system and management of the a land ownership from the past to present, including various government policies which were two major problems: 1) Conditions of problems and conflicts related to the overlapping of the right to own the land, namely the problem of overlapping areas of the people and the encroachment of the state's land, the problem of overlapping areas of the people and the land of the capitalists, and the problem of illegal land ownership, the problem of having no land to cultivate, the land problem of administrative boundaries overlapping with people's land, 2) the problem conditions and conflicts related to land use that included the issues of overlapping land use between people and the state, people and capitalists, resource management issues related to land, and the finding of the study from objective 2 revealed that driving alternatives in solving problems by managing resources of public networks, including adopting the concept of community justice in resource management based on community cooperation which was considered as an alternative solution of the land problem, as well as the cooperation with local people to reduce any other violence.

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