Subjectivities of Older Spousal Caregivers in Rural Northern Thailand: A Qualitative Study on Sociocultural Influences

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Uthaikan Thanapet
Penchan Pradubmook-Sherer


The aging society and changes in living arrangements significantly impact family caregiving patterns, particularly in older spousal caregivers. This study examined how the subjectivities of older spousal caregivers have been shaped by social discourse and practices. A qualitative research approach was adopted in rural northern villages in Thailand. Data collection included 1) narrative interviews with eight older primary spousal caregivers and eight family members and neighbors, 2) in-depth interviews with ten healthcare providers, and 3) participatory observation. Both thematic and inductive methods of data analysis were applied. The finding demonstrated three distinct subjectivities regarding caregivers: older persons, medical, and sociocultural discourse. Medical and older people’s discourses influenced negative subjectivity on older caregivers regarding their physical decline with age; however, positive subjectivity of being a compassionate and capable caregiver was regarded as a valuable role. The findings reflected the changing sociocultural discourse in the northern region of Thailand. A caregiver is perceived as kon jàa, which refers to the committed role of both wife and husband, who care for their spouse for the rest of their lives. The implications of this study can benefit community-based care systems by enhancing the understanding of social and cultural discourse on caring and couplehood and incorporating caregiver needs into the care plan of older people with chronic illnesses.

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How to Cite
Thanapet, U., & Pradubmook-Sherer, P. . (2024). Subjectivities of Older Spousal Caregivers in Rural Northern Thailand: A Qualitative Study on Sociocultural Influences. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 33(.), 143–158. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Penchan Pradubmook-Sherer, Department of Society and Health, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University, Thailand

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