Age at First Migration and Educational Attainment of Young Adults in Indonesia
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First migration is an important milestone that signals the beginning of one’s migration career. Variations in the timing of the first migration signify critical contextual factors that shape individuals' life trajectories, including their educational pathways. This study aimed to examine the variations in the age at first migration of young Indonesians by their educational attainment. This study analyzed data from the migration and education modules from all waves of the Indonesian Family Life Survey. Survival analysis approaches were used to estimate the probability of first migration among the 2,075 observations during young adulthood. This study found that people with low levels of education migrate for the first time at younger ages, possibly after terminating their schooling. Meanwhile, education-related motives are critical in explaining the high migration propensity around the age of 18–19 years by the tertiary-educated group. Despite the varying intensities, the relationships between education and migration were consistent across cohorts. These findings suggest that positive and negative educational selectivity were observable in the age schedule of the first migration of young adult Indonesians.
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