The Influence of Negative Brand Publicity Perception on Negative Behaviors of Thai Generation Z Consumers

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Suttanipa Srisai


The main objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the confirmatory factors, and 2) to examine the influence of factors related to negative brand publicity perception (NBPP) on negative behaviors (NB) of Thai generation Z (Gen Z) consumers based on the developed Structural Equation Model. A questionnaire was used as a research tool. Data were collected from 406 Thai consumers who were 1st to 4th year university students. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model with the LISREL program were used to analyze the data. The findings were as follows: 1) Confirmatory factor analysis: (1) Latent variable in terms of consumer characteristics (CC), all 3 observed variables were as crucial aspects, namely Life Usage, Buying Decision, and Thinking Style, having factor loads as 0.66, 0.84, and 0.73 respectively, (2) Latent variable in terms of NBPP all 3 observed variables were as crucial aspects, namely information violence, type of brand, and perceptual channels, having factor loads as 0.92, 0.93, and 0.83 respectively, and (3) Latent variable in terms of brand blame (BB) both observed variables were as crucial aspects, namely blame level and blame causals, having factor loads as 0.92, 0.92 respectively; 2) Causal analysis with the structural equation model, it was also found that data fit the model, all statistics as Chi-Square = 105.99, df = 87, P = 0.08, Chi-Square/df = 1.22, RMSEA = 0.05. Findings were as follows: (1) Model 1: NBPP of consumers received positive direct effect at moderate level (DE = 0.54) from CC, and also found that the CC aspect could predict the NBPP of customers at 29.00 percent (P < .05); (2) Model 2: BB aspect received positive direct effect at moderate level (DE = 0.78) from NBPP of consumers while received positive indirect effect at the low level (IE = 0.42) from CC through the NBPP of consumers. It was also found that both CC and NBPP of consumer aspects could predict the BB aspect at 52.30 percent (P < .05); and (3) Model 3: NB factors aspect received received positive direct effect at the moderate level (DE = 0.53) from NBPP of consumers. In addition, this aspect received positive indirect effect at the low level (IE = 0.28) from CC through the NBPP of consumers. It was also found that these CC and NBPP of consumer aspects could predict the NB at 35.00 percent at the 0.05 level of significance.

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