Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Media Literacy about Financial Literacy that Affects Savings of Working Age Group in Chanthaburi Province
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This research aimed to analyze confirmatory factors for media literacy about financial literacy that affects savings of working age group in Chanthaburi province. This quantitative research collected data with 420 sets of questionnaires from working group population within age range of 15-59 years in Chanthaburi province, according to criteria concerning number of variable conditions that determine size of sample group. The research model was well consistent with empirical data in good level, with Chi-Square index of 991.996, p-value of 0.00, Chi-square/df of 1.60, GFI of 0.90, RMSEA of 0.03, NFI of 0.95, and CFI of 0.98. In confirmatory factor analysis for media literacy about financial literacy that affects savings of working age group in Chanthaburi province, related factors like media literacy and financial and saving literacy were analyzed. It was found that each factor contained sub-factors with factor loading between 0.76 -0.98, which passed the evaluation criteria. The top three factors with the most factor loading included media understanding (factor loading of 0.98), followed by expense budgeting and investment (equal factor loading of 0.97), and utilization of media (factor loading of 0.96), respectively.
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