Developing Public Relations Media for Community-Based Tourism via Participatory Communication of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea Community, Prawet Sub-district, Prawet District, Bangkok
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The objectives of this mixed methods research are to 1) study the community context, Community-Based Tourism management, and the need for public relations media in organizing Community-Based Tourism for Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea community, Prawet Sub-district, Prawet District, Bangkok 2) study the potential of Community-Based Tourism of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea community, Prawet Sub-district, Prawet District, Bangkok 3) develop Public Relations media for Community-Based Tourism via participatory communication of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea community, Prawet Sub-district, Prawet District, Bangkok 4) evaluate the effects of Public Relations media for Community-Based Tourism of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea Community, Prawet Sub-district, Prawet District, Bangkok toward tourists. The qualitative research participants were 25 people and the quantitative research sample consisted of 400 tourists, which were obtained through purposive sampling. Qualitative data were analyzed using qualitative methods to draw inductive conclusions as well as quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The research findings were as follows: 1) Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea Community is “multi-cultural community” that combines of Islamic and Buddhist cultures with the mostly green environment. There are important tourism resources, including (1.1) Yamiul Ibadah Mosque (1.2) an old wooden bridge over 100 years old (1.3) Prawet Burirom Canal (1.4) Ban Jiaranai Ploy Club (1.5) Ban Pha Pak Su Nisa, and (1.6) goats farm “Baema Farm”. Community-based tourism management of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea community consists of four main components: tourism resources, community organizations, management, and learning. The community needs modern Public Relations media that provide current information, create awareness and meet the needs of tourists to promote community-based tourism, 2) the community tourism potential of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea Community consists of (2.1) tourism resources, (2.2) community access, (2.3) facilities, (2.4) tourist support services, and (2.5) management 3) developing Public Relations media for Community-Based Tourism of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea community via participatory communication as sender and media co-producer consisting of 6 Public Relations media: (3.1) travel documentary video, (3.2) travel guide manual, (3.3) brochure, (3.4) poster, (3.5) Facebook, and (3.6) info-graphic with the overall of high level result of media quality evaluation from a total of 15 experts and people in the community, 4) the effect of Public Relations media for Community-Based Tourism of Rim Klong Prawet Fang Nuea community on tourists in terms of utilization and satisfaction at a high level. Tourists' Public Relations media exposure was positively correlated to their utilization and satisfaction at a high level, with statistical significance at the .01 level.
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