Model of Customer Experience Management in Food Delivery Businesses

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Lalita Puangmaha



This research employs a mixed-method study using a convergent parallel design. The objective is to develop and investigate the empirical consistency of the customer experience management structural equation model that affects customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in food delivery businesses. A questionnaire was utilized to collect data from 385 Bangkok-based customers of food delivery businesses, with an age range of 18-65 years old. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty key informants, including food delivery business customers, food delivery business owners, and a group of online marketing communication specialists, to examine the customer experience management model of food delivery businesses.

According to the findings of the quantitative study, the researcher’s customer experience management structural equation model that influences customer satisfaction and loyalty in the food delivery businesses is compatible with the empirical data (model fit) at the statistical significance level of 0.05. The customer experience management variable had a statistically significant direct influence on customer satisfaction at the 0.01 level, a statistically significant direct influence on customer loyalty at the 0.05 level, and a statistically significant indirect influence on customer loyalty via the path of customer satisfaction at the 0.01 level. The results of the qualitative research showed that the customer experience management model for food delivery businesses consists of nine key components: product offer, brand communication, security and privacy, application design, delivery, product quality, customer service, special offer, and interactivity.

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