The Influence of Trust, Technology Acceptance and Use, Digital Satisfaction on Intention to Use Crypto

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Pannathadh Chomchark
Rittikorn Pumpuang


This quantitative research was objective to studying the influence of trust, technology acceptance and use, and digital satisfaction on the intention to use cryptocurrency. The tools used in the research are online questionnaires and data from sample groups who have been purchasing through the online application (467 people in Bangkok and Vicinity). A structural equation model technique was used to analyze. Finding is (1) Trust had no effects on digital satisfaction and intention to use cryptocurrency (2) Technology acceptance and use exerts effects on digital satisfaction and intention to use cryptocurrency (3) Digital satisfaction exerts effects on intention to use cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency providers can use research findings as a guide for improvement. Develop a platform to ensure consumers use cryptocurrencies for trading, exchange, pervasive savings and investment in cryptocurrencies.

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