Consumers’ Exposure, Satisfaction and Purchase Intention Towards Content Marketing on Instagram Stories
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The purpose of this research is to study consumer exposure and satisfaction towards content marketing on Instagram stories as well as to explain the relationship between consumer satisfaction towards content marketing on Instagram stories and purchase intention. The quantitative research was conducted via online questionnaires to collect data from 400 respondents. The results of this research show that: 1) Consumer exposure towards content marketing on Instagram stories overall was moderate. 2) Consumer satisfaction towards content marketing on Instagram stories overall was moderate. 3) Consumer purchase intention was high on clothing and food items after watching content marketing on Instagram stories, but moderate on electronic and furniture times as well as hotel booking. The Hypothesis testing results show that: 1) Sex, age, status and income have impacts on consumer exposure towards content marketing on Instagram stories. 2) Consumers of different sex, age have different levels of satisfaction towards content marketing on Instagram stories. 3) Consumers of different age and income have different levels of satisfaction towards content marketing on Instagram stories. 4) Consumer satisfaction towards marketing content on Instagram story strategy has correlation with purchase intention after viewing of marketing content on Instagram story. The correlation was positive but at a low level.
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