Clusters and Communications Channel Usage of Affluent Organic Product Consumers

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Bu-nga Chaisuwan


This study aims to examine the decision-making factors that impact the choices made by organic product consumers. Using cluster analysis consumers were categorized based on the organic product consumption characteristics and communications channel usage. The study was conducted using quantitative research methodology utilizing a structured questionnaire for data collection. Data was collected from 400 respondents, who are organic product consumers in the Bangkok area.

Factor analysis was used to identify four factors that affected the decision-making, which are marketing communications, impact on the environment, animals, and food, social norms, and nutrition and food value. The consumers have been categorized in three groups using the K-means cluster analysis. The three groups are – health conscious and interested in marketing communications group; convenience and understand in benefits group; and elderly, who are concerned about quality, family, and health. The three groups receive information about organic products from the farmers, packaging/label, mass media, product exhibitions/fairs, and point-of-purchase materials.

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