Influence of Experience and Satisfaction on Loyalty and Electronic Word of Mouth to Purchase through Application of Consumer in Bangkok and Vicinity

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Orawan Suttipongsakul
Asst. Prof. Dr. Somchai


This survey research was two objectives to develop the casual relationship model of factors that influence Electronic Word of Mouth during purchase through application of consumers in Bangkok and Vicinity and to check the consistency of the causal relationship model developed with empirical data. The tools used in the research are online questionnaires and data from sample group who have been purchasing through application Shopee (250 people in Bangkok and Vicinity). The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. Structural equation model was used to analyze of causal relationships to find the path of the causal influence of the variables consisting of 4 components are Customer Satisfaction, Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty and Electronic Word of Mouth. The results of the research showed that the causal relationship model was developed in accordance with empirical data as well. The final is a predictive coefficient of 0.86 which represents a causal factor, that is, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty were a significantly positive relationship with the Electronic Word of Mouth during purchase through application of consumers in Bangkok and Vicinity was statistically significant.

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Author Biography

Asst. Prof. Dr. Somchai , College of Digital Innovation and Information Technology Rangsit University

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