Factors Influencing the Practice in Alleviating the Misfortune in Chinese Inauspicious Years in Bangkok

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Bodeesorn Atthavongpisarn
Tatri Taiphapoon


              This research aims to study the media exposure, attitude and behavior of misfortune alleviating tradition focused on people who live in Bangkok. This research was a quantitative research using survey research method, questionnaires in particular, from which the data was collected. It was conducted on 400 participants of which 200 did misfortune alleviation at least once while the other 200 had never done it before in their life. Using a method of Simple Random Sampling, 4 of 50 districts in Bangkok were chosen. The data was analysed using SPSS, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with t-test while also considering One Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis.

            The research found that there is a significant difference at the rate of 0.0001 between the participants who were used to do the alleviation and those who had never done it. For those who had alleviated before, the finding showed that the rate of mass media exposure on misfortune alleviation was relatively low while the exposure of new media and personal media with the same content was at the medium level. The attitude on the belief of misfortune years was medium. In terms of behavior, the frequency rate of doing alleviation was medium. The total expense for the ritual was approximately 101-500 baht.

            People who had never done it before, on the other hand, had a low exposure to any types of media with the content on misfortune alleviation. They showed a negative attitude towards the belief itself. The rate of their behavior, if they had decided to do it at some point, was low. The expense would be lower than 100 baht.

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