The Building of Human Research Ethics in Social Science Research

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Pairote Wilainuch



This article aims to illustrate 2 issues - first, the stages of building of human research ethics, and second, the ability of research participants to help the researcher in building human research ethics. In the latter, this article showed that apart from the researcher, the research participants could also make the ethics possible. Two cases from research on personal selling were discussed. Research participants built the human research ethics by explaining the research project and related details to key informants. In addition, they helped the researcher ask other research participants to sign their names on the consent forms as written evidences. These showed that the research project was reliable because it was conducted based on the substantial process of building human research ethics. All the research participants understood the research project. They were not coerced to participate in the research project. This results in both the researcher and the offices who support research funds in terms of safety.

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