Korean Idol Preference Scales and Consumers’ Response towards Brands

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เอรินทร์ เผือกเกษม
พรทิพย์ สัมปัตตะวนิช


Nowadays, the society is in a state of intense marketing competition. Consumer response regarded as an important matter for the brands. The biggest problem for all marketing strategists is how do products imported into the market will receive good response from consumers. One of the strategies that has been used a lot in the present day is to use Korean idols as the representative for the brand in order to stimulate consumer response. This research aims to study the level of Preference towards Korean idols (Korean Idol Preference Scales), Information Exposure behavior towards Brand using Korean idol as representative. And influences that affect the responses of consumers to Korean fan groups in terms of Cognitive, Affective and Behavior using quantitative research methods by collecting online questionnaires from 400 samples.

 The results showed that the sample group, which is Korean idol fans, has a moderate level of Korean Idol Preference Scales. The sample group has behaviors that are exposed to the information of brand that has Korean idols as the presenter at the moderate level. And has responded to the brand that has Korean idol as a presenter at a high level. Moreover, the results found relationship between Korean Idol Preference Scales and Information Exposure behavior towards Brand using Korean idol as representative. The results also found the influence of Korean Idol Preference Scales and Information Exposure behavior towards Brand using Korean idol as representative that affect the consumer response in terms of Cognitive, Affective and Behavior. It found that Korean Idol Preference Scales effects to consumer response the most in every terms.

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