Cigarette Promotional Items Surveys along Thailand and Myanmar Border Crossing Point at Mae Say District, Chiang Rai Province and Influence of Cigarette Promotional Items toward Smoking Behavior of Youth in Chiang Rai Province

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malinee sompopcharoen
Wanpen Kaewpan


This mixed method research study aims to conduct the cigarette promotional items surveys in the markets along Thailand and Myanmar border crossing point at Mae Say District, Chiang Rai Province, and explore sources of cigarette promotional items (CPIs) purchased by students in Chiang Rai Province, as well as examine influences of CPIs on smoking among students and undergraduate students in Chiang Rai Province. The data were collected through the observation along with the checklist to conduct the CPIs checklist forms applying along Thailand-Myanmar border market. Also, the questionnaire was used to conduct the surveys with 252 students and undergraduate students in Chiang Rai Province, and the in-depth interview was conducted with 10 samples to obtain the data regarding sources of purchasing CPIs and influences of CPIs on smoking. The findings revealed that cigarette promotional items were not available for sales in the markets along Thailand border, but these items were available in the markets along Myanmar border. The sources of purchasing CPIs in Chiang Rai Province included the small and large grocery stores where many shoppers visited regularly and the market places in front of schools. The influences of CPIs as previously seen or collected did not have impacts on smoking. The surveillance on the release of CPIs should be made, focusing on the smuggle of the CPI products from Myanmar for sales in any area far away from Thailand border, including the surveillance on the online trading of CPIs as the online markets are open 24 hours a day, and the law enforcement has been inactive.     

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