Branding Approaches for Thai Rice from Small-scaled Farming

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พรรณพิลาศ กุลดิลก
บุหงา ชัยสุวรรณ


The aim of this research is to study Thai rice branding approaches which is processed by a production of small – scale farms. An in-depth interview and focus group have been applied to successful rice brand developers, branding experts, and relevant public and private authorities. Consumer focus group is also used. The result shows that branding approaches consist of 6 steps as follows: 1) Systematically internal and external factor analysis 2) Rice brand identity and positioning in accordance with consumer preferences yet distinctly different from others 3) Tangible and intangible rice brand element development in accordance with brand positioning 4) Plan and activity to present rice brand elements 5) Regular performance assessment 6) Sustainable brand equity growth through constant brand maintenance together with brand element changes to meet the particular contexts.

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