Effect of Financial Institution’s Marketing Communications via Line Official Accounton Consumer Attitudes and Decision Making to Use Services

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วีรินทร์ วีระวรรณ
ธาตรี ใต้ฟ้าพูล


This research aims to study the relation of media exposure through marketing communications via Line official account and attitudes towards financial institutions as well as the decision making to use financial institution services. This research is a quantitative research using questionnaires to collect data from 400 samples who use Line application and have at least one commercial bank’s Line official account. Data is analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and line ar regression analysis.

          The findings show that samples have high level of media exposure through all kinds of marketing communications (Advertising, Public relations and Sales promotion) via Line official account. On the other hand, there is only media exposure through advertising via Line official account that has relations with attitudes towards financial institutions and consumer decision making to use financial institution services. For attitudes towards financial institutions, it is relative to consumer decision making to use financial institution services. Furthermore, attitudes towards financial institutions also has direct influence effect on consumer decision making to use financial institution services while media exposure through marketing communications has no direct influence effect on that.


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