Social Networks Usage Behavior for Self-Disclosure of Generation Y

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ทัศนีย์ ดำเกิงศักดิ์


The current study research aims to 1) investigate behaviors of generation Y people in using Facebook 2) to find out about self-disclosure patterns of generation Y people on Facebook. 3) to compare self-disclosure patterns of generation Y people in different age groups. The data collection tool was questionnaire. The data were statistically analyzed using percentage, mean, One-way Anova Analysis statistical package. The results of the study revealed that most research participants used Facebook through their phone at home. The participants used such social media to communicate with their close friends more than any other kinds of social media for relationship enhancement and maintenance. Self-disclosure information was provided by participants through personal information on their Facebook profiles.

Research hypothesis testing results

It was found that the participants with different age groups demonstrated their self-disclosure patterns differently. The difference is statistically significant at 0.05, which confirms the research hypothesis.

With regards to One-way Anova Analysis of Variance by pair to Schaeffer's test , it was found that the participants aged from 17 to 21 demonstrated the pattern of self-disclosure on Facebook more than the participants aged from  22 to 26,  27 to 31, and 32 to 35.

The patterns of the self disclosure demonstrated by participants aged from 22-26, 27-31, and 32-35 were identical.

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