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จิราพร พูลสวัสดิ์
อุบลวรรณ เปรมศรีรัตน์


This research aimed to study the implementation of public relations principles of Thai women organizations in producing media to promote and propagate information about women and related issues which are communicated through the public relations of women organizations. The presentation patterns of Thai women in public relations media of women organizations in Thailand were analyzed by applying the qualitative research principle. The researcher examined relevant documents and media of four women organizations, namely, Friends for Women Foundation, Foundation for Women, The Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women and The Women’s Health Advocacy Foundation, as well as interviewed eight subjects from four organizations in depth. The two representatives of each organization were officials in the media promotion or information departments and executives or directors of women organizations. The non-participated observation was also applied The findings were as following:

1. These women organizations implement public relations principles to produce promotional media. The principles were objectives and the process in producing public relations media. For the objectives, it was found that the promotional media of these organizations have been developed in terms of setting objectives for the production. In the beginning, the organizations aimed to propagandize and inform the public about general knowledge and women issues to lead the public to the right understanding. Then, these organizations began to produce promotional media in order to influence the public opinions, beliefs, attitudes, as well as values, and to convince people to participate or support the activities, the operation and requirements of the organizations. For the process, it consisted of four stages which were 1) Research 2) Planning-Decision making, analyzing related factors 3) Communication, applying strategies of multimedia in the promotion such as mass media, personnel media and specialized media 4) Evaluation, there has been no formal evaluation of the media promotion in the wider scope

2. Generally, the organizations presented many issues, mainly about violence against women through various sexual aspects. For sex, they presented sex education and sexual health. In terms of gender, they presented contents about the inequality between male and female roles, patriarchal power and suppression over women. For sexuality, they presented sexual violence that women were abused regard to their incapability to negotiate or control their gender identity.

3. The presentation of Thai women can be categorized into five patterns. The first one was presented as the negotiation between women and social authorities. The second one was portrayed as abstract and positive. The third pattern was seen as attractive and eye-catching with emotional language. The rests were those with information and references from various sources and the last one was a short dramatic.

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