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ศุกลิน วนาเกษมสันต์
พนม คลี่ฉายา


The purpose of this study is to create corporate image measurement questionnaire. The research methodology divided into 3 steps. Firstly, review of corporate image measurement questionnaires from the theses and the independent studies of Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University from 1989 to 2008. Secondly, create the corporate image measurement questionnaire. Thirdly, test of questionnaire’s validity and reliability.

The results of 77 theses review show that corporate image measurement questionnaires mostly (93.51%) use the Likert scale. The positive statements are used for rating according to correspondent’s perception. The content of statement consists of image dimension of management, corporate social responsibility, product and service, employee, physical environment, and executive by order.

The created corporate image measurement questionnaire uses 4 interval scales without neutral scale. There are 120 statements including positive and negative statements. The content of statement consists of 6 image dimensions with are 9 statements of executive, 27 statements of employee, 13 statements of product and service, 48 statements of management, 9 statement of physical environment and 14 statements of corporate social responsibility.

The results of validity testing by expert evaluation show that mean of index of item-objective congruence (IOC) is 0.62. The statements in questionnaire are amended and reduced to 94 statements due to appropriate language and practical use. The content of image consists of the same 6 image dimensions. The result of reliability testing by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient among 30 samples is 0.9525.

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