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พสุ กันทา
สราวุธ อนันตชาติ


The current study was done to compare firm-managed and customer-managed brand communities, and study member responses on the communities. Two Subaru brand communities were used as case studies. Siam Subaru Society (SSS) was a firm-managed community while Subaru Club Thailand (SCT) was customer-managed one. Ethnography was first run with 25 communities’ founding and current members. Then, survey was used to collect data from another 146 members. Three common markers were found in both communities. However, when analyzing closely, SSS members formed various subgroups with special interests while SCT members focused their interest only on engine performance. In addition, for SCT, timing for community activities depended on members’ free time and convenience. Plus, SCT’s members never celebrated the history of its brand. For the sense of moral responsibility, SSS clearly allocated people responsible for duties in the community while there was no such formal job allocation in SCT. In term of member responses, the survey showed that both communities’ members had positive commitment and satisfaction with their communities. Differently, SSS members had more positive and stronger consumer-centric relationship than SCT members. Finally, for brand royalty, members of both communities similarly indicated their intention to buy Subaru brand in the future.

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