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นภวรรณ ตันติเวชกุล


During the reign of King Chulalongkorn (1853-1910), Siam was besieged by western powers.  In order to stabilize the sovereignty of the state, the King pushed forth numerous reforms in the administration of the country. Public relations became critical in the continuation of his administration. Communications aiming at internal stakeholders were mainly in the form of written and printed materials in order to support the function of the government and to demonstrate the transparency of state administration. Newspapers and magazines were performing as a public relations tool to disseminate government information and political ideologies. In the arena of international relations, King Chulalongkorn visited Europe twice during his reign ten years apart. The preparations for the King’s visit was a widely publicized affair showing the sophisticated image to world that Siam was civilized in much the same way as any western. King Chulalongkorn became a person of interest in the foreign media. There was new evidence of well-organized activities similar to modern press relations or media relations efforts that were in operation under King Chulalongkorn’s administration. The activities included, for instances, the practices of press release, news clipping, news monitoring, and interviews to the press.

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