กลยุทธ์การสื่อสารและการรับรู้แบรนด์ของลูกค้าในธุรกิจบริการ บริษัท กรุงไทยคาร์เร้นท์ แอนด์ ลีส จำากัด (มหาชน)

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ธีรดา พงศ์มั่นจิต
ขนิษฐา ปาลโมกข์


Communication strategies and brand recognition in the business of c ustomer service. Case study KRUNGTHAI CAR RENT & LEASE PLC. To

study the communication strategies and brand recognition in the business of customer service. By using a mixed methods research. (Mixed Method) Including qualitative research (Qualitative Research). The important information from Executives of the company and quantitative research (Quantitative Research) The samples used in the study is Short – Long term prospects, customers.

The results showed that Communication strategies and brand recognition    in the business of customer service. The company's customer perception of brand communications brand are

1.       Strategic brand communication by the media and public relations.

2.       Brand communication strategy by meetingdirectly.

3.       Brand communication strategy by the event.

4.       Brand communication strategy by providing customers see the company.

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