Community Development Policy Implementation Based of the Principle of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Municipalities in the Eastern Region of the Country

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Kampanart Pornpromvinnij
Kasemchart Naressenie
Boonrueng Sriharun


The objectives of this research are to study the policy of community development the Municipalities of the Eastern this research is the sampling groups to the 30 people 3 selected groups namely mayors or Deputy mayors, President or Vice President of the council and municipal clerks The results show that the 3 selected groups implemented the sufficiency Economy Policy by unitizing the rescues in the community in order to make people self-reliant and development the concept to be used in the municipalities in the long rum.

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How to Cite
Pornpromvinnij, K. . ., Naressenie, K. . ., & Sriharun, B. . . (2024). Community Development Policy Implementation Based of the Principle of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Municipalities in the Eastern Region of the Country. Journal of Politics and Governance, 5(1), 268–282. Retrieved from
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