A submitted article should possess a coherent framework that guides its progression. The utilization of lucid English language throughout the manuscript is imperative while jargon must be avoided. A crucial aspect of an article is to begin from the general to the particular, initiating with the context of the research problem followed by a meticulous examination of the empirical and/or analytical aspects of the work. Subsequently, the discussion should be developed, leading to conclusions that are logically connected to the original context of the study. It could either encompass the development or testing of theory. The following sections provide comprehensive guidelines regarding style, structure, and presentation.

Editorial Policy:

Submissions made to this journal should be original and not previously published, or in the process of being considered for publication in any other format. An extensive double-blind peer-review process is employed to guarantee the quality of papers accepted. By submitting, authors agree to our guidelines regarding the condition that their manuscript should not be presented elsewhere with the same content, in any language. The responsible party for scientific validity lies with the authors and JOPAG holds no liability for conclusions or mistakes woven inside.

Publication Charge:

JOPAG does not impose any charges for the publication and accessibility of English articles.

Types of journal articles:

JOPAG features two distinct categories of articles:

           - Research Articles: Detailed descriptions of research projects are included in this category, along with background, theoretical frameworks, methodology, and data, as well as results and discussion.

           - Academic Articles: This category concerns extensive summaries of research on a specific subject matter, supplemented with an authoritative viewpoint concerning the present state of the field and its potential trajectory.

Preparation of Manuscripts:

Title Page: The title page of the manuscript must comprise the research title, author names, author affiliation(s), and author note. As part of the author's note, the ORCID iD, conflict of interest statement, funding statement (if applicable), and details about the corresponding author should be included. It should be noted that the title page must be submitted independently of the manuscript. Furthermore, it is imperative that no details pertaining to the author(s) are included in the manuscript itself.

Article Title: The title of a manuscript should be brief, clear, and unambiguous, and must not exceed 7-25 words. The prescribed font style is Use Times New Roman, size 16 pt, bold, with center alignment and all-caps formatting.

Abstract: A 150- to 250-word abstract begins with a concise but precise description of the problem or issue, followed by a description of the research method and design, major findings, and conclusions. Use Times New Roman 12, single space, and justified text.

Keywords: 3-5 keywords and separate each keyword with a comma.

Article text: There should not be more than 7,000 words in the submitted text, including references. Use Times New Roman font; 12 pt; justified; 1.5 line spacing; margins: 2.5 cm on the top, 2.5 cm on the bottom, 2.5 cm on left, 2.5 cm on right on A4 sized paper. Use American English.

The body of the manuscript should be compartmentalized into primary segments, such as Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.

For in-text referencing, the author should use APA 7th edition style. In addition to the author's name (without initials), the year of publication can also be included, such as Meesuwan, 2022 (for one author), Kawashima & Soares, 2006 (for two authors), or Arbillaga et al., 1994 (for more than two authors). Citations within parentheses should be arranged alphabetically, separated by semicolons (e.g., Buckley & Raymond, 2020; Dian, 2017; Sanguanbun, 2019). Footnotes are not permitted.

Subheading Use Times New Roman font; 12 pt; bold

Quotations: Indented quotations should be typed single-spaced without quotation marks.

Tables: Tables must be created in Word. The table heading is above the table. The fonts should be  Times New Roman, bold, size 10; with single line spacing. Notes appear below the table.

Figures: Figure number (e.g., Figure 1) appears inTimes New Roman, bold, size 10 above the figure title and image. Give each figure a brief but descriptive title, and capitalize it in italics. Original electronic copies of the figures must be submitted as JPG, or PNG files.


References should be listed alphabetically by author(s). List all authors’ names. Use Times New Roman font; 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing. Refer to the APA 7th edition style guide when in doubt.

Examples of the Reference Style Utilized in the Journal

Journal Article:

Meesuwan, S. (2022). The differences in democratic attitudes between Thai generations with

early political experiences under different regimes. Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 20(2), 174-86. https://doi.org/10.57239/PJLSS-2022-20.2.002


Leonardi, R., Nanetti, R. Y., & Putnam, R. D. (2001). Making Democracy Work: Civic

Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton University Press.

Chapter from a Book:

Kuik, C. C. (2022). The politics of Thailand–China railway cooperation: Domestic determinants of smaller state BRI engagement. In S. Chirathivat, B.Rutchatorn, & A. Devendrakumar (Eds.), China’s Belt and Road Initiative in ASEAN: Growing Presence, Recent Progress and Future Challenges (pp. 221–48). World Scientific.

Conference article/ Proceedings:

Charoensri, N. (2020, November 27). Reluctant partnership: Thailand’s diplomacy in the changing regional order [Oral Presentation]. First International Conference on Science, Economics and Society Studies, University of Economics and Finance, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Non-English Languages's works:


Meesuwan, S. (2020). kan khaeng it thip la ra wang sa rat a me ri ka kap chin nai tha le chin tai lae tha le chin ta-wan-ok ra-wang kha.sa. 2009 thueng kha.sa. 2017 : phon kra-thop lae kho sa-noe nae to pra thet thai [U.S.-China Rivalry in South China Sea and East China Sea from 2009 to 2017: Impacts on and Recommendations for Thailand]. Mahasarakham: COPAG Books and Textbooks Project.

Journal articles

Pairoh, N.(2020). kan plian phan kan-sue-san rueang lao lae khwam pen lao nai baep rian thai [Transition of Lao communication and Lao being in the Thai texbook]. Dhurakij Pundit Communication Arts Journal, 14(2), 198-240. 

Journal Template:

The manuscript submission guidelines necessitate the utilization of Microsoft Word document file format and online submission. Adherence to the manuscript template is mandatory and can be downloaded from the provided link. (Title Page and Manuscript)

Ethics approval and informed consent statements

Prior to conducting the research, approval and consent forms for both human and animal ethics must be obtained. Authors should be ready to furnish additional information to the editorial office of the journal upon request.

Submission of Manuscripts:

We kindly request that you submit your manuscript via the online submission system.

Recommendations for Authors:

We highly recommend that all authors adhere to the following best practices while submitting their manuscripts for consideration:

  1. Register for an ORCID iD via orcid.org and provide us with your ORCID iD during the submission process. This unique identifier ensures that your scholarly work is easily attributed to you and provides a comprehensive record of your publications.
  2. Whenever possible, please use your institutional email address for all correspondence related to your submission. This practice ensures that the institutional affiliation of the author(s) is clearly identified and helps to maintain the integrity of the publication process.


Page proofs will be sent as PDF files to the corresponding author via email. It is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author(s) to proofread the document and to carefully review it before responding to it.

Changes in authorship:

Upon submission of an article, it is expected that the author(s) will not make any requests to alter the authorship. The Editorial Board of the journal retains the authority to make the final determination regarding any changes to authorship. We strongly denounce unethical practices such as “ghost,” “guest,” or “gift” authorship, which do not constitute proper contributions to an article.

Final Decision:

It is to be noted that the decision made by the editors is final and binding. The editors shall not provide any justification for their decision, as it is within their purview to make such decisions without providing any explanations. This approach is in line with the standard practice of ensuring the integrity and impartiality of the review process. We, therefore, urge all authors to respect the decision of the editors, which is based on the rigorous evaluation of the submitted manuscript.