About the Journal:

           The Journal of Politics and Governance (JOPAG) is a peer-reviewed publication that is open-access and issued triannually by the College of Politics and Governance, which is affiliated with Mahasarakham University in Thailand. JOPAG is dedicated to encompassing an extensive range of disciplines, including political science, public administration, international relations, and other related fields as defined by UNESCO's International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). It is highly encouraged that authors submit articles that predominantly focus on the Indo-Pacific region. By promoting the active participation of scholars from various regions, JOPAG aims to establish an active and inclusive international forum for the dissemination of knowledge and ideas.

          The Journal of Politics and Governance, which made its print debut in 2010 and launched its online platform in 2013, had been publishing articles in both Thai and English in both print and online formats. However, starting the second issue of 2023, the journal ceased printing physical copies, making only the online version available. Furthermore, from issue 1, year 2024, the journal exclusively publishes articles in English.

           Publisher: College of Politics and Governance (COPAG), Mahasarakham University

           Publication scheduled: Three yearly

                    Issue 1: January - April

                    Issue 2: May -August 

                    Issue 3: September – December

          ISSN 2697-3790 (Online)

Aims and Scope:

           The Journal of Politics and Governance extends an invitation to scholarly submissions across a wide array of sub-disciplines within the realm of Political Sciences, Public Administration, International Relations, and other related fields. This journal aims to encompass a wide range of topics and themes, incorporating a diverse spectrum of issues:  Political Sciences, Public Administration, Public Policy, International Affairs, Peace and Conflict Studies, Law, Political History, Political Philosophy, Political Theory, International Politics, International Security, Development Studies, Sociology, Social Work, Human Rights, Social Sciences

Peer Review Process:

           Upon submission of a manuscript, the editorial board of the Journal of Politics and Governance shall undertake the initial review process, which is expected to be completed within a span of two weeks.

           If the manuscript is deemed suitable for publication, three expert reviewers will be appointed to conduct a thorough evaluation of the manuscript’s substance and quality. The outcome of the peer review process, along with enclosed evaluation reports, will be communicated to the author within an estimated period of four to eight weeks. These reports can be utilized by the author to facilitate revisions to the manuscript.

           In instances where two of the three reviewers have reached a decision to either accept or reject the manuscript, the third reviewer’s opinion may be omitted to guarantee timely completion of the peer review process. Rest assured, however, that all manuscripts will receive a thorough evaluation from a panel of expert reviewers, adhering to the highest standards of scholarly publishing.

Following the revisions, the editor shall conduct an assessment of the revised manuscript to ensure that it maintains the requisite level of academic rigor and scholarly integrity.

Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism:

           At the Journal of Politics and Governance, we take a strong stance against plagiarism in any form. It is our firm belief that academic integrity is a cornerstone of quality research, and we are committed to upholding this principle.

           We employ Turnitin, a reputable plagiarism detection software, to meticulously screen all submitted manuscripts for instances of plagiarism. Should an article contain plagiarized material exceeding 30 percent, it will be promptly returned to the author for thorough revision and clarification. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the article being disqualified from consideration for publication in our journal.


           Associate Professor Dr. Sanyarat Meesuwan

           College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University,

           Khamraing, Katarawichai, Mahasarakham 44150, Thailand
           Tel. +6643754317

           E-mail: copagjournal@gmail.com

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