Integrating the seniors’ wisdom of the Thai Laos Phutai and Kalerng ethnic groups to the roles of community leaders and social control in Isan Faculty of Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University

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บุญจันทร์ ทิพชัย
สมชาย ลำดวน
บุญสม ยอดมาลี


Use of ethnic leadership wisdom, ethnic groups of Thai-Laos, Phu-tai and Kalerng has been integrated by community leaders. The objectives of this research were to study: 1) to study the history of local wisdom used among Thai-Lao Phu-tai and Kalerng’s senior family members. 2) The role of leadership and social control of the community Isan Region 3) Integrating the use of traditional wisdom in social control. Approach: The research area in Isan Region included Roi-Et Province, Kalasin Province, and Sakon Nakorn Province. The samples providing information were 90 persons selected by interviewing and Participant Observation. The primary data was subsequently verified by data triangulation and descriptive Statistics techniques. Results: It was found that the background of local seniors’ wisdom of Thai-Lao, Phu-tai and Kalerng ethnic groups is used in several aspects of life, namely earning for a living, herbal treatment, occupation, coexistence, art creativity, rituals led by senior leaders of the community. This also helps with peaceful settlement of disputes. Seniors are still found to play important roles in the community, coping with difficult situations and bringing peace and harmony into families. Ceremonies such as weddings are led by seniors who give blessing and advice to new couples. Use of local wisdom is currently supported by government sectors so it can be passed on to others. Basketry makes a good example of this value. However, ways of the wisdom use has been changed due to economic situations, cultural changes, unemployment, ignorance, poverty, divorcement, arguments, and drug addiction. This also leads to being less respectful to seniors, and lack of knowledge about law makes the people deal with cases and end up with meeting in court. Integrating seniors’ wisdom into leadership is aimed at improving the leaders’ interpersonal and communicative skills. This performance needs co-operation from members in the society. Conclusion/Recommendations: The study revealed that integration of seniors’ wisdom into leadership benefits the communities with peaceful settlement of disputes, justice, equality, local wisdom, and how to exchange one’s own wisdom with others’ before learning to integrate it into their work for the ultimate in prosperity of the society.

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How to Cite
ทิพชัย บ., ลำดวน ส., & ยอดมาลี บ. . (2019). Integrating the seniors’ wisdom of the Thai Laos Phutai and Kalerng ethnic groups to the roles of community leaders and social control in Isan: Faculty of Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(3), 168–186. retrieved from
Research Articles


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