Human Resource Development for Working Competency in Sugar Cane, Sugar, and Continuous Industries

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สมบูรณ์ ศิริสรรหิรัญ
ภัทร์ พลอยแหวน
สมศักดิ์ อมรสิริพงศ์
อาชว์ภูริชญ์ น้อมเนียน
กฤษณ์ รักษชาติเจริญ
วุฒิชัย อารักษ์โพชฌงค์


The objectives of this research were 1) to study, analyze, review and measure the human resource competency development; 2) to formulate the human resource strategy which was relevant to the administrative and development guidelines of the Office of the Civil Service Commission; and 3) to strengthen the human resource management of the Office of Cane and Sugar Board in order to increase the efficient and effective operation. The researchers employed mixed methodology which was comprised of research tools including: queationnaires, in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The research found that there were twelve administrative measures which were relevant to the human resource operation context at the present day. In addition, the human resource strategy of the Office of Cane and Sugar Board was also conformed the organizational strategy and development guidelines of the Office of the Civil Service Commission which composed of 1) the efficient and effective administrative human resource strategy including; career path progression, man power analysis, career inherit and human resource management system improvement and development, good governance and transparency in human resource management, performance appraisal administration for raising working motivation and information technology development for increasing the effectiveness in human resource management 2) human resource competency strategy including: structure reengineering for sugar and sugar cane industry, human capital and potentiality development and core value and organizational culture promotion 3) strategy of human resource management for high performance organization including; organizational membership promotion for organization engagement, intergeneration and diversity management in organization, happy work place creation for the quality of life and work-life balance, knowledge management for being a learning organization and organization image promotion and corporate social responsibility. Finally, the curriculum development to strengthen the human resource management was compresed of ten programs.

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ศิริสรรหิรัญ ส., พลอยแหวน ภ., อมรสิริพงศ์ ส., น้อมเนียน อ., รักษชาติเจริญ ก., & อารักษ์โพชฌงค์ ว. (2019). Human Resource Development for Working Competency in Sugar Cane, Sugar, and Continuous Industries. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(3), 146–167. retrieved from
Research Articles


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