Quality of Work Life Affecting Organizational Commitment of Employees of Sub-district Municipality in Amphoe Muang, Kalasin Province

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โย อาชา
เสาวลักษณ์ โกศลกิตติอัมพร
สัญญา เคณาภูมิ


The objectives of this quantitative research were to study the quality of work life of employees of Sub-district Municipality in Amphoe Muang, Kalasin Province, and to examine the factors of quality of work life affecting organizational commitment of employees of Sub-district Municipality in Amphoe Muang, Kalasin Province. Sample group was 200 employees of Sub-district Municipality in Amphoe Muang, Kalasin Province in 2016. Taro Yamane was applied to determine the size of sample group. Questionnaire with reliability 0.977 was used as the research tool. Collected data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Findings illustrated that the overall quality of work life of employees of Sub-district Municipality was in high level ( x ̅ = 3.73; S.D. 0.62) sorted by the average in descending order as work independence, organizational pride, potential of employee, social relationship, justice administration, fair and sufficient compensation, career advancement and security, and work security and safety. Quality of life factor, which was quality of work life in respect of work security and safety (X2), career advancement and security (X4), work independence (X7), and organizational pride (X8) were able to predict the organizational commitment at 56.80% with the standard error 0.364 and had the positive effect with statistical significance 0.01. This research suggested that the Municipality should set the appropriate policy, and have adequate welfare. Moreover, the employees should adjust themselves to catch up with the changing work condition. The organization’s internal and external environment should be arranged to be pleasant and livable whereas the quality equipment should be provided. The organization should allow the employees to express their opinion on welfare in order to see the appropriateness and create motivation. This would foster the love and commitment of the employees that finally developed the community and built the unity for the organization development.

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How to Cite
อาชา โ., โกศลกิตติอัมพร เ., & เคณาภูมิ ส. (2019). Quality of Work Life Affecting Organizational Commitment of Employees of Sub-district Municipality in Amphoe Muang, Kalasin Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(2), 168–183. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/198426
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