A Study of Using indicators in Higher Education Level to Determine Personal Appraisal Indicators of Mahasarakham University

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พนมพร ปัจจวงษ์
แจ่มจันทร์ หลูปรีชาเศรษฐ


The objective of this research was to study problem and obstacle of using indicators in higher education level to determine personal appraisal indicators, case study of the internal offices in Mahasarakham University. The samples were 253 personnel in Mahasarakham University. The research instrument was a Rating Scale questionnaire. The results found that as overall image, the problem and obstacle of using indicators in higher education level to determine personal appraisal indicators was in high level. After the consideration, the highest average score to lower average score were a review of duty/ responsibility of each personnel toward their assessment, policy, ability and latency of faculty/department, conscious of the officers, transfer process of the target from organization level to personnel level of faculty/department, personal indicator and target value, and support from administrators, respectively. The lowest average score were an examining assessment and reinforcement to the officers.

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How to Cite
ปัจจวงษ์ พ., & หลูปรีชาเศรษฐ แ. (2019). A Study of Using indicators in Higher Education Level to Determine Personal Appraisal Indicators of Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(2), 133–150. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/198388
Research Articles


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