The Development of the Strategic Paradigm Shift in the Thai Society: Interpreting the Three Kingdoms Text

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ชูวงศ์ อุบาลี
ธงชัย วงศ์ชัยสุวรรณ


The purposes of the research titled “The Development of the Strategic Paradigm Shift in the Thai Society: Interpreting the Three Kingdoms Text” were 1) to study the development of the strategic paradigm shift in military to administration through the interpretation of the Three Kingdoms text reflected in the Thai society and 2) to study the structural factors affecting the strategic paradigm shift in the military to the administration by interpreting the Three Kingdoms text shown in Thailand.The content analysis approach based on the qualitative research was used as the research methodology. The data collection was to research from 1) documents and 2) in-depth interview with the Three Kingdoms experts. The historical content interpretation was used as the data analysis. The research results were as follows:1) The development of the strategic paradigm shift in the military to the administration was divided into the 3 phases. (1) The original paradigm based on the military strategy in the Early Rattanakosin Period (2) The interpretation of the literary work “The Three Kingdoms” during Thailand’s turning point After the country change to the  policy of country westernization in the King Rama V Reign and (3) The interpretation of the literary work “The Three Kingdoms” After the social context was changed to be focused on the economic system. 2) The 3 main structural factors affecting the  strategic paradigm shift  in the military to the administration  through the interpretation of “The Three Kingdoms” in the Thai society. (1) The Chinese-Thai relationship dynamic (2) The policy of turning a battle field into a marketplace and (3) The growth of the Chinese investors. Suggested policy was recommended as follows 1) The role of society as a recipient of cultural influences. Should evaluate the impact of the drug culture. By focusing on the value positively used to benefit the most. 2) The role of the state as the security of the State. Need to focus on security issues, social and cultural. Potential impact on the stability of the state in the long term.

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อุบาลี ช., & วงศ์ชัยสุวรรณ ธ. (2016). The Development of the Strategic Paradigm Shift in the Thai Society: Interpreting the Three Kingdoms Text. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 428–442. retrieved from
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