Knowledge to Promote Organic Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Thailand

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คนางค์ คันธมธุรพจน์
วาทินี คุณเผือก
สุลัดดา พงษ์อุทธา


Thai people consume fruit and vegetable less than the recommended amount. Moreover, the access to safe fruit and vegetable is low which resulted in health condition. Academic knowledge is important to promote safe fruit and vegetable consumption in Thailand. The objectives of this research are to identify knowledge gap and to propose policy recommendation that support knowledge development promoting consumption of organic fruit and vegetable in Thailand.  Qualitative research method was applied by conducting in-depth interview with the key informants in 5 agencies that related to organic fruit and vegetable promotion in Thailand. The result found that there was no integration in producing information among the government agencies as well as lack of regular survey that create national database. All agencies needed more knowledge and information to support their works on organic fruit and vegetable promotion. When using Social Practice Theory as a framework, the agencies mostly need knowledge on organic fruit and vegetable distribution, followed by organic fruit and vegetable production and consumption. This researcher proposes Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives prioritize the topic of study gathered from this research and set up the study plan together. This can be done under the mechanism of the National Organic Agriculture Committee that has authorization to integrate measures, plans, and budget with related government agencies.  After the knowledge is produced, it must be widely published so that non-government organizations can use this as information to support organic fruit and vegetable consumption effectively.

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คันธมธุรพจน์ ค., คุณเผือก ว., & พงษ์อุทธา ส. (2016). Knowledge to Promote Organic Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 382–396. retrieved from
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