The Policy Development of Social Capital to build up a Strong Community

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สุปราณี จันทร์ส่ง
บุญทัน ดอกไธสง
สอาด บรรเจิดฤทธิ์
บุญเรือง ศรีเหรัญ


The objectives of this study are to 1. To study the development of social capital to build stronger communities in Saraburi and Nakhon Nayok province. 2. To study the factors that influence the development of social capital to build stronger communities in Saraburi and Nakhon Nayok province. 3. To study proposes a method to improve the factors that influence the development of social capital to build stronger communities in Saraburi and Nakhon Nayok province. The quantitative research used the samples of 440 respondents. The research findings were as follows: The general states of the social capital development for strengthening 1) communities found that the levels of development in overall and 3 aspects are at high level. By the immune system to community development, social capital at the highest level is due. Social leaders play a key role in the implementation of social capital all public activities and encourage the community to have a sense of self-reliance contemplate joint decision-making and responsibility. In their own communities Part of the learning community is the lowest level that the officers acted in community learning centers also lack the knowledge to educate the public to enhance cognition and attention. 2) The social capital in the knowledge economy to build a strong community in Saraburi and Nakhon Nayok is ligh level. The level of statistical significance. 05. 3) The proposed guidelines for improvement the factors affecting the social capital development for strengthening communities composed the operation must be holistic approach depended on the primarily targets of sustainable development for self-reliance of community. The operation characterized networks creation and development of own members in communities all of process and steps for development should rely on the participation of communities.

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จันทร์ส่ง ส., ดอกไธสง บ., บรรเจิดฤทธิ์ ส., & ศรีเหรัญ บ. (2016). The Policy Development of Social Capital to build up a Strong Community. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 313–327. retrieved from
Research Articles


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