Job Satisfaction of Personnel in Roi Et Rajabhat University

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ณิชากมล ศรีอาราม
สีดา สอนศรี
วสันต์ เหลืองประภัสร์


The purposes of this thesis are to study job satisfaction and factors in job satisfaction and to make suggestions for promoting job satisfaction. This are used to analyses data mixed-method research of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The subjects of the research are 188 personnel working at Roi Et Rajabhat University in 2013. This sample size is determined with the sample size determination table by Krejcic and Morgan. The data is collected through 21 sampled staff from 7 types of routines (3 staff each) and related documents which composed of : 1) results of personnel assessment and 2) record of leave of absence and resignation. The statistical methods for data analysis comprise frequency distributions, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings revealed as follows: 1. The personnel of Roi Et Rajabhat University have a “High” level of job satisfaction in general.  2. The main factors which playe a role in the personnel’s job satisfaction included work success, job descriptions, interpersonal relationships, respect from others, job security, and job responsibilities. 3. it is suggested that universities should make a clear plan of staff promotion, assign right responsibilities to all positions, hold meetings to declare policies, goals, and plans on a regular basis, provide sufficient office supplies and teaching aids as well as fringe benefits which equally cover the whole staff.

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How to Cite
ศรีอาราม ณ., สอนศรี ส., & เหลืองประภัสร์ ว. (2016). Job Satisfaction of Personnel in Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 301–321. retrieved from
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