Individual Development Plan of Judicial Services at Civil Courts in Khon Kaen Province

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สกุลกาญจน์ แสนภูวา
อลงกรณ์ อรรคแสง


The purpose of this study is to investigate the problems and obstacles, and suggestions for the individual development plan of the judicial services at the civil courts in Khon Kaen province. The informants are 27 judicial services at the civil courts in Khon Kaen province, who are purposively selected with regards to the specifications of the informants. The sample group was divided into 3 categories: general, academic, and directorial types. This study is the qualitative research using the structured interview form or the formal interview to collect the data. Besides this, the data are derived from the related documents, rules, articles, research, and the internet as the guidelines for this study underneath the conceptual framework of the four-dimensioned human resource development (Gilley and others, 2002), including 1) individual development, 2) performance management, 3) career development, and 4) organization development.The results of the study revealed that the problems and obstacles for the individual development plan of the judicial services at the civil courts in Khon Kaen province as determined the individual development, performance management, career development, and organization development were budget and the organization policy. These were key information to the four-dimensioned human resource development though the organization tried to find out the different methods or models in order to develop the organization, and suit for the individual competency or position. According to this study, it is suggested that 1) the organization should financially support for the scholarship covering the entire curriculum thoroughly and continuously, and 2) the organization should give the opportunities for all kinds of the personnel to be granted equally for studying at the master degree level and training.

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แสนภูวา ส., & อรรคแสง อ. (2016). Individual Development Plan of Judicial Services at Civil Courts in Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 263–283. retrieved from
Research Articles


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