Political Demonstration Management

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ยรรยง ผิวผ่อง
ศุภวัฒนากร วงศ์ธนวสุ


This research aims to explore the management and strategies, which were employed in the political demonstrations by each political advocate during the prolonged Thai national political crisis (2005 – 2014). The data were collected by conducting the participatory observation and in-depth interview with 15 key informants who have involved and played an important role in the political demonstrations. The result revealed that each public demonstration apparently is created by the political motivation. The mechanisms to pursue the success of demonstration should be as follows: having clear and concrete planning and objective, holding political power and trust, performing political experience, motivating and gathering demonstrators, providing safety and appropriate demonstrating location, managing effective expenditures, having good information and effective communication, and having enough budget. Moreover, the strategy to succeed the political demonstration should have the key persons to mobilize the demonstration, producing the political discourses and making a situation for the benefit of demonstration. Interestingly, researcher found that the having political demonstration is not always indicating the conflicts in our society, in fact, people get alert and responded to political activity. From the findings, researcher suggests that Thailand should have to have the modern Political Demonstration law in order

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How to Cite
ผิวผ่อง ย., & วงศ์ธนวสุ ศ. (2016). Political Demonstration Management. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 213–226. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/197256
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