The Influence of Work Motivation Factors on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Performance in Private High Schools, Myanmar

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Nay Win Aung


In the private education sector, in Myanmar, the problem of job satisfaction is glaring since the low productivity and labor high turnover are practically a yearly phenomenon. The essential question may be why does there happen this actuality. The reason could be because private school teachers are not fulfilled concerning their works. This study investigated to examine the relationship between work motivation factors, job performance, and job satisfaction of school teachers from the private education sector in Chin State, Myanmar. In this study, the specific objective is fixed to investigate how salary, supervision, recognition, and training influence job performance and job satisfaction, the connection of job performance and job fulfillment among private high school teachers. In this investigation, a research design was a descriptive research design, 181 respondents as the sample size was requested and also used the Primary data collecting. Quantitative data was gathered and the questionnaires were modified from the previous studies. The validity of the questionnaires was guaranteed by doing the pilot test in this study. SPSS version 22 was utilized to analyze the collected data. Then, the frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to present the data analyzing. By making analysis, this study concluded that the inspiration factors for instance salary, recognition, and training positively and significantly influence both the private school teachers' job performance and job satisfaction. Subsequently, private school teachers' work performance also influences significantly on their satisfaction. This investigation left the suggestions that comparable research can be directed within another region, state or division to support and confirm the research or discover and create different findings, new research to observe whether another factor also influences or not on job performance and job satisfaction among private school teachers within Myanmar. The research findings will greatly help school managers understand the important factors in teachers' performance and satisfaction. Both theoretical and managerial implication are further proposed.

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How to Cite
Win Aung, N. . (2021). The Influence of Work Motivation Factors on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Performance in Private High Schools, Myanmar. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 16(2), 86–105. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Nay Win Aung, Panyapiwat Institute of Management

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), the University for the Development of National Races of the Union (UDNR), Myanmar (2008). Currently a Graduate Student, Master of Business Administration (International Program), Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Bangkok, Thailand


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