The Impact of Marketing Innovation on the Performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises of Ceramics Industry in Thailand

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Chanikan Panomupatam


The objectives of this research are to study the general characteristics of the businesses, marketing innovation, and performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises of Ceramics Industry in Thailand, to study the relationships between the general characteristics of the businesses, marketing innovation and performance, and to analyze the general characteristics of the businesses and marketing innovation that affect performance. The mixed methods are used in the research The research results reveal that most of the products are tableware. The duration of operation is 11 years or more. Most of the samples use private funding / fund raising and the agencies that support the technology operation are the academic institutes. Regarding the marketing innovation, the overall importance is at the high level. The overall performance gives an increasing level of importance. In terms of the influence of general characteristics of business and marketing innovation that has an impact the performance, it is found that the correlation coefficient among variables has the positive relation at the high level with statistical significance at the level of 0.01. The highest pair is the correlation coefficient of variables of general characteristics; the variable of personal finance/fundraising and the variable of borrowing from the sources of funds in the system, equaling to 0.766. From the results of the analysis on the influence, it is found that the variable of prediction on the general characteristics of the businesses and marketing innovations that are related to the variable of performance can explain the variance in the variable of performance with the significance at the level of 0.01

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How to Cite
Panomupatam, C. . (2021). The Impact of Marketing Innovation on the Performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises of Ceramics Industry in Thailand. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 15(2), 239–257. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Chanikan Panomupatam, Faculty of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University.

D.B.A. (Business Administration), Faculty of Business Administration, Dhurakij Pundit University (2017). Currently a Lecturer at Faculty of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University.


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