Generation Generation Differences To the Brand Loves and consumer behaviors that are not contemplated: Case Study of Sports Shoes Brands

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Salinee Chaiwattanaporn
Phollapruet Ruangcharas


shoes of consumers 2) To compare compulsive buying behaviors and brand loves of sports shoes between different generation consumers 3) To investigate the relationship between brand loves and compulsive buying behaviors of consumers. The data from the study was derived from collected questionnaires with 477 males and females aged between 18-72 years old who had used to buy sports shoes. Statistics such as Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Chi-Square test, One-way Analysis of Variance and Pearson's product moment correlation were used for data analysis. The research instruments were individual questionnaires. The findings were as follows: (1) consumers had compulsive buying behaviors of sports shoes at middle level in all aspects. They felt that some brands of sport shoes drove the feeling of much desire to buy Next to, the reason that they chose to buy those sports shoes because of their deep feelings as a stimulus. For price of sports shoes, they purchased sports shoes with an average price per pair of 3,000-3,999 baht, During the past 1 year, they bought sports shoes 5 pairs or less, Cash and credit card was the most payment form that consumer used to buy shoes. Finally, a majority of consumers bought sports shoes from the store and online shopping through websites. (2) Overall, consumer loved sport shoe brands at the high level for Nike and Adidas. Be love in uniqueness’ and consumers pleasure, Consumers in different generations were different in almost all aspects of sports shoes compulsive buying behaviors and brand loves at a significance level of 0.01. (3) Brand Loves of sports shoes has a positive relationship with sports shoes compulsive buying behavior of consumers at a significance level of 0.01. With suggestions that the results of the study should be the concept of love in the brand to apply to marketing communication in order to make consumers love the brand by creating storytelling to tell the story of the brand. In which the content can use the identity of the brand that is unique and different from other brands, creating stories to make consumers feel fun or impressed will make consumers feel together with the brand until the recognition of good feelings leads to Brands in the hearts of consumers. In addition, it is found that consumers have the most unconscious buying behavior by wanting to possess that product. Which the brand must know the needs Of consumers, understand customer groups and various information By making inquiries, getting to know the target group directly, and using different types of questions In order to extract what consumers or target groups think of into Customer Insight in order to develop and improve products The hypothesis test results Found that Generation Baby Boomers have a love for the brand of sports shoes and have a more unconscious buying behavior than all generations, that is, sports shoes are the products that this group of people decide to buy because of the use Work and also popular to wear on a daily basis instead of other shoes because it has a modern style Can be worn in every situation. Therefore, manufacturers should produce products to meet the needs, suitable for ages and various uses. As consumers in this generation are ready to pay for good value products Reasonable price, and always want to look good image.

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How to Cite
Chaiwattanaporn, S. . ., & Ruangcharas, P. . . (2021). Generation Generation Differences To the Brand Loves and consumer behaviors that are not contemplated: Case Study of Sports Shoes Brands. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 16(1), 59–85. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Salinee Chaiwattanaporn,

DBA. (Doctoral of Business Administration),  Faculty  of  Management ,  Shinawatra  University. (2016).  Currently is an independent researcher

Phollapruet Ruangcharas

DBA. (Doctoral of Business Administration),  Faculty  of  Management ,  Shinawatra  University. (2015).  Currently is an independent researcher.


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