The effect of Human Capital, Marketing Orientation and Information Technology toward Competitive Advantage through linkage Financial Performance of Accounting Firms in Thailand

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Anongwan Upradit
Boonthawan Wingwon
Jongkolbordin Saengadsapaviriy


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the effect of human capital, marketing orientation, information technology and financial performance towards competitive advantage of accounting firms in Thailand and 2) analysis linkage of factors towards financial performance of accounting firms in Thailand. The samples were 352 heads of accounting firms. The research instrument was questionnaire, and the descriptive statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, while inferential statistics was analysis of structural equation model. The analysis of structural equation model revealed that financial performance showed direct effect towards competitive advantage, marketing orientation showed direct effect towards financial performance, information technology showed direct effect towards competitive advantage and financial performance. Finally, human capital showed direct effect towards competitive advantage and financial performance. The linkage analysis indicated that human capital, marketing orientation, information technology and financial performance showed direct effect towards competitive advantage at significance level of .05, except marketing orientation showed indirect effect towards competitive advantage. Therefore, developing strategies for internal organization management is crucial to an increase of performance efficiency for competitive advantage amid the changing situation.

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How to Cite
Upradit, A., Wingwon, B., & Saengadsapaviriy, J. (2020). The effect of Human Capital, Marketing Orientation and Information Technology toward Competitive Advantage through linkage Financial Performance of Accounting Firms in Thailand. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 15(2), 19–45. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Anongwan Upradit, Lampang Rajabhat University

Ph.D.Candidate (Management), Faculty of Management Sciences, Lampang Rajabhat University. (2019)

Boonthawan Wingwon

Ph.D. (Administration), Ramkhamhaeng University, (2007). Currently a Associate Professor in Faculty of Management Sciences, Lampang Rajabhat University.

Jongkolbordin Saengadsapaviriy

Ph.D. (Computer and Engineering Management) Assumption University (2012). Currently Retired.


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