Hospitality and Tourism Impact in Koh Yao Yai, Pang-Nga, Thailand Toward Perspective of Tourists and Locals

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Pakin Witchayakawin


This qualitative research aims to study hospitality of local people for tourists, tourism impacts from the perspective of visitors and locals as well as to suggest the island to develop to be the sustainable site. This case study research collected data from 60 key informants including tourists 20 and locals 40 subjects during July 2016 by observation, structured in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The data analyzing process involved preparing, segmenting, coding, categorizing and thematizing. The results presented that the hospitality of local people also proved to all visitors as a good experienced tourism product in this island. The positive impact on economic side by income was increasing from tourism activities, people have more work, local products can be a sale, and hotel room price is low. The positive impact on socio-culture, locals were happy to welcome visitors and to serve them by the restaurant and rental transport services. The negative impacts, duet to the growth of tourism in this island, there are constructions of accommodation, and many labours come to work in the island that may issue the impacts to nature and community. The suggestion - leaders and villagers should engage more tourists to participate natural and cultural conservation.

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How to Cite
Witchayakawin, P. (2018). Hospitality and Tourism Impact in Koh Yao Yai, Pang-Nga, Thailand Toward Perspective of Tourists and Locals. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 13(2), 125–138. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Pakin Witchayakawin

*M.B.A. (Tourism Management) Assumption University, (2009). Currently a Lecturer in Tourism Business Management Program, International College, Naresuan University. 


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