Alternative Theatre Media and the Political and New Social Movement

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กมลวรรณ์ บุญโพธิ์แก้ว


The objective on “An Adaptation of Alternative Theatre Media from the Age of Political Movement (1971-6th October 1976) to the Age of New Social Movement (After 6th October 1976-2010)” were to study an adaptation of theatre process communication to present the New Ideology and struggle the Old Politic and analyze a historical data which resolving into elements of context, theatre process and presenting to audiences. The outcome of research shows that an alternative theatre media movement can be divided into two forms that separate the beginning of time by means of using a media for lighting a political issues, so that called the age of Political Movement. The content of its therefore represented in the protest to resist the State’s power and also counter the dominant ideology. As well as the 2nd period was the age of New Social Movement. The content has changed from presented the political content, for transformation to the democracy, to emphasize the diversity of identities, so that its function of alternative theatre media are for sharing knowledge, thinking and understanding the new politic and the new social movement. Keywords

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บุญโพธิ์แก้ว ก. (2018). Alternative Theatre Media and the Political and New Social Movement. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 5(2), 1–18. retrieved from
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กมลวรรณ์ บุญโพธิ์แก้ว

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