Building of the Tourism Marketing Strategy: Case Study of Tour Operating Business, Thailand-Laos Friendship Bridge, Nong Khai Province

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พลอยนภัส สุทธิภัทรานนท์
ภิเษก ชัยนิรันดร์


The objectives of this study are to analyze tourist patterns, formulate SWOT analysis, study the requirement of tourists and stipulate marketing strategies in order to encourage tourism in the area of Thailand-Laos Friendship Bridge, Nongkhai Province. The questionnaire is used to collect data with four hundred tourists and five tour businesses, respectively. Statistics used to analyze the data consist of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-Test, One-Way ANOVA, and Chi-Square. The researcher can use the results of this study to prepare marketing mix (7 P’s) strategies. Product strategy is to create a travelling package for women, a package for family home stay, and a package for self-management. Price strategy is to create a medium-priced package. Place strategy is to sell travelling packages via internet, including corporate web site and online community. Promotion strategy is to create a package matching with target groups that mostly are 35-44 year and 25-34 year. Personnel strategy is to train responsive skills for staffs in order to satisfy customers’ requirements. Physical evidence strategy is to create the whole quality in leading values. And process strategy is to develop organizational structure to meet standards and achieve the targets.

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สุทธิภัทรานนท์ พ., & ชัยนิรันดร์ ภ. (2018). Building of the Tourism Marketing Strategy: Case Study of Tour Operating Business, Thailand-Laos Friendship Bridge, Nong Khai Province. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 10(2), 1–14. retrieved from
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พลอยนภัส สุทธิภัทรานนท์

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