Defining the Narrative Image Frame of Love between Male to Male in the Series Hormones Wai Wa Woon Season 2

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อัญมณี ภักดีมวลชน
คมสัน รัตนะสิมากูล


   This research purposes to study the defining the narrative image frame of love between male to male in the series Hormones Wai Wa Woon Season 2 and to encode and decode the audiences who are high school students regarding love between male and male. The analysis methods are according to the cultural study which has applied the defining of communication, the notion of movie telling as well as the notion of the encoding and decoding methods. The researchers have selected the series Hormones Wai Wa Woon season 2 especially and interviewed only the audiences who are high school students; male, female and gay. The selected groups are the high school students in Chiang Mai province and usually see this T.V. series Hormones Wai Wa Woon season 2. he result has revealed some interesting facts as follows. The series “Hormones Wai Wa Woon season 2” has framed the love story between male and male beginning with the relationship between friends. Both of the male students have been close friends at school and eventually they have built a special bond between them until one day they have experience sexual intercourse for the first time. This creates sexual confusion within “Phoo”, a leading character in the story. He is confused with his passion for both male and female at the same time. The story seems to end up with disappointment. In the aspect of decoding and encoding the audiences who are high school male and female students as well as gays, it was found that the male and female audiences have decoded in accordance with the intention of the media or what is called “Dominant Preferred reading. According that the producer or the messenger of this series “Hormone Wai Wa Woon” have produced the Season 2 of the same series using the same plot, love between the same sex-male and male emphasizing on the confusion of Phoo the leading character, the gay audiences have decoded it with negotiation making the messages differ from the intention of the media or called “negotiated reading”. However, in the aspect of disappointing love between male and male, the audiences have decoded it in accordance with the intention of the media but they have negotiated the messages adding more messages that due to Phoo’s flirtation, his love became dissatisfaction.

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How to Cite
ภักดีมวลชน อ., & รัตนะสิมากูล ค. (2018). Defining the Narrative Image Frame of Love between Male to Male in the Series Hormones Wai Wa Woon Season 2. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 10(1), 139–157. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

อัญมณี ภักดีมวลชน

**วารสารศาสตร์มหาบัณฑิต (ว.ม.) มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ปัจจุบันเป็นอาจารย์ประจำภาควิชานิเทศศาสตร์
คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงใหม่

คมสัน รัตนะสิมากูล

*** นิเทศศาสตร์ดุษฏีบัณฑิต (นศ.ด.) จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย (2549) ปัจจุบันเป็น ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
ประจำโปรแกรมวิชานิเทศศาสตร์(การสื่อสารสื่อใหม่) คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงราย


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