Digital Marketing: New Market Chanel for the Changed World
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Digital marketing is the change of one way communication to the two ways communicated marketing channel that makes the real-time interactions between customers and marketers. The objectives of digital marking is to make new customer and to use the old customer developing and improving the marketing process by using the popular social medias such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Line and Pinterest. Due to the rising of social medias using growth rate and the amount of people that use smartphones, the digital marketing on smartphones or mobile phone applications are favorite for offering convenience to the customers to access the marketing contents. In addition, social medias are integrated with search engine such as Google to link and distribute marketing content to the customers for the reasons of convenience, fast and low operation cost. In this way, the marketers in this era should be ready to learn and understand the changes of technology and the discovery of modern media in order to use as a marketing channel to understand the consumer’s demand and develop marketing process to make the success for business, product and brands.
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