Factors Affecting the Organization Commitment of Non-commissioned Police of the Provincial Police Division in the Upper North Region

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อุดม คุมา
นรินทร์ชัย พัฒนพงศา


The purposes of this research were 1) to test the relationship between the factors of personal factors, satisfaction at work, compliance with the sufficiency economy, concept perception of support from supervisors, and working environment factors on organizational commitment of non-commissioned police of the Provincial Police Division in the Upper North Region, and 2) the results of the research was introduced to use. The study is Mixed method consists of 1) quantitative research by using questionnaire as a tool to collect data. There were 365 returned despondences. Data were analyzed by using multiple regression analysis to test the hypothesis. 2) qualitative Research was used to find in-depth information by using in-depth interviews with a total of 16 informative interview data for content and results in order to explain the results of the quantitative data. The study found that personal factors, satisfaction at work, compliance with the sufficiency economy concept and perceived support from supervisors has a positive correlation with the organization of non-commissioned police of the Provincial Police Division in the Upper North region. And qualitative data found that it is in accordance with the quantitative results.

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How to Cite
คุมา อ., & พัฒนพงศา น. (2018). Factors Affecting the Organization Commitment of Non-commissioned Police of the Provincial Police Division in the Upper North Region. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 11(1), 17–34. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmscrru/article/view/122465
Research Articles
Author Biographies

อุดม คุมา

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นรินทร์ชัย พัฒนพงศา

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