Service on Cultural Difference in Foreigner’s Body Language

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วิสาขา วัฒนปกรณ์
รจิต คงหาญ


Nowadays, the competition, the services are developing rapidly. In the social structure Growth sectors Allowing customers the power to negotiate better. The flow of culture so easily happen. We will find an environment that consists of many, many more languages almost inevitable. Service providers will need to learn about the different cultures as well, which is part of the key factors affecting customer satisfaction. The behavior of some of the individual may have different interpretations, some cultures use the same mannerisms, yet meaningful difference. Sometimes in the same manner, each different cultures use to communicate. Sometimes the same manner, but are used for different functions. Or may be used to convey the same manner, but with the recognition that different expression levels. Some movements are different levels. The same manner and for the purposes of the same culture may change over time and through a deep relationship. And limitations in communication with people of other cultures and provide value to each culture fully expressed differently. Therefore, the study of cultural differences is a key factor driving the industry. Management must recognize that in various cultures. By understanding their culture and learn about the culture of others to meet their clients internationally. And to keep existing customers in the long term. Reduce conflicts and business development services to become a global player as well.

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How to Cite
วัฒนปกรณ์ ว., & คงหาญ ร. (2018). Service on Cultural Difference in Foreigner’s Body Language. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 11(2), 213–224. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

วิสาขา วัฒนปกรณ์

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รจิต คงหาญ

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