Application of Balanced Scorecard Concept for Organizational Performance Measurement: Case Study of Panyapiwat Technological College

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กวีวัธน์ พิริยะปัญญากุล


In this research, there are 3 objectives: 1) to study the student satisfaction towards the service of Panyapiwat Technological College 2) to study the personnel opinion which effects to the operation of Panyapiwat Technological College 3) to study the problems, threats and solutions for improving and developing the operation of Panyapiwat Technological College. In this research consists of 2 sample groups. The first group is 322 students, and another group is 127 personals. Descriptive statistics is applied for this research to find the average, percentage, and standard deviation.

                The result found that the overall picture of the student satisfaction towards the service of Panyapiwat Technological College was at highest satisfaction level, and when considering in each aspect, the student satisfaction towards personal was at highest satisfaction level. Whereas, the lowest satisfaction level was buildings and facilities, and when considering in each aspect, the student satisfaction towards sufficient, cleanliness and hygiene was at lowest satisfaction level

                The result of personnel opinion on Panyapiwat Technological College in aspect of internal process was at medium level in overall, and when considering in each aspect found that there was strongly agreed for 1 aspect: leadership, and for other aspects were moderately agreed. For learning and growth aspect, the overall picture was at medium satisfaction level, and when considering in each aspect found that personals gave influence to the importance of knowledge exchanging between colleagues, because they believed that it would be benefit for developing and solving problems. Furthermore, in the aspect of financial could find that the financial proportion of Panyapiwat Technological College in the past three years (2009-2011) in part of the rate of return on equity increases every year, as same as the rate of return on assets which increase every year as well.

The result of problems, threats and solutions for improving and developing the operation of Panyapiwat Technological College found that personals had opinion in the same direction. It is coordination to apply technology for preparing the database that corresponding to an investment in Panyapiwat Technological College, in which the problem persists from the policy and disbursements.

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How to Cite
พิริยะปัญญากุล ก. (2018). Application of Balanced Scorecard Concept for Organizational Performance Measurement: Case Study of Panyapiwat Technological College. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 11(2), 148–164. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

กวีวัธน์ พิริยะปัญญากุล

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