The Relationship Between Good Human Relations and Job Efficiency on Manufacturing Business Accountants in the Roi Et Province.

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บุญช่วง ศรีธรราษฎร์


                   This research aimed to test the relationship between good human relations with job efficiency on Manufacturing Business Accountants in the Roi Et Province. Using questionnaire as an instrument for collecting data from 85  manufacturing business accountants in the Roi Et Province. Statistic methods used for  analyzing the collected data were mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis.

                   The results of the study revealed that the manufacturing business accountants with having good human relations as a whole and in each of these aspects at a high level self – development, responsibility, and communications. The manufacturing business accountants with having job efficiency as a whole and in each of these aspects at a high level ; time, quality and quantity.

                   According to analyses of relationships and effects, the following were found : 1) the good human relations in aspects of self – development had positive relationships with  and effects on job efficiency as  a whole of time and quality.     2) the good human relations in responsibility had positive relationships with    and effects on job efficiency as a whole.


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How to Cite
ศรีธรราษฎร์ บ. (2018). The Relationship Between Good Human Relations and Job Efficiency on Manufacturing Business Accountants in the Roi Et Province. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 11(2), 29–48. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

บุญช่วง ศรีธรราษฎร์

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