The process of applying a sufficiency economy to Natural Resources and Environmental Management for the sufficiency economy village of Ban Dok Bua, Phayao

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ปวีณา ลี้ตระกูล


This study purposes to examine the process of applying a sufficiency economy to Natural Resources and Environmental Management for the sufficiency economy village of Ban Dok Bua, Phayao. The study is divided into two purposes that are 1) To test the level of knowledge and understanding of applying a sufficiency economy, and Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the village. 2) For studying the method of implementing a sufficiency economy to Natural Resources and Environmental Management.

The significant findings indicate that when compared to the level of knowledge and understanding of applying a sufficiency economy and the level of participating taking care of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at Ban Dok Bua. The result has shown that the Ban Dok Bua villagers received a higher score than other villages nearby. For the application of the sufficiency economy and Natural Resources and Environmental Management for Ban Dok Bua, it has indicated the process of implementing the sufficiency economy an aspect of Natural Resources and Environmental Management are related to Economy and Society of the community. Also, generating a rule and regulation of society to be a measurement to control the Ban Dok Bua villagers.

The application of the philosophy of the sufficiency economy on the household level and the community level, which is three pillars,  consists of  1) moderation), 2)reasonableness), and3) self-immunity and decisions depending on two necessary conditions are knowledge and virtue.  For the application of the sufficiency economy regarding Natural Resources and Environmental Management at the community level consists of   Community  Forest Management,  Natural Resources, and Environmental Management.  Moreover, creating a rule of the community for saving energy and last but not least creating plans to conserve resources and environment of the community. 

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How to Cite
ลี้ตระกูล ป. (2018). The process of applying a sufficiency economy to Natural Resources and Environmental Management for the sufficiency economy village of Ban Dok Bua, Phayao. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 12(1), 169–190. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

ปวีณา ลี้ตระกูล

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